Monday, March 31, 2008

Yummiest Breakfast Scrommelata Evar

I have discovered the ultimate in morning luxuries - eggs scrambled with cream. Mmmm...

2 slices bacon, diced
leftover roast veges, about 1 cup
1 garden-fresh tomato
3 leaves chard, shredded
about 1 cup diced capsicum, mushrooms, etc
2 eggs, fresh from the chooks
2 dessertspoons cream
1 tbsp parmesan
1/2 tsp onion powder (in lieu of onions)
black pepper
1/2 cup grated Cheddar (optional)

Saute the bacon, then add all the veges (chard and tomato last) and cook til chard has just wilted and everything else is nice and soft. Beat eggs and cream together with the Parmesan, and season.Pour over the veges, tilt pan to spread evenly, and cook til set on the bottom. Sprinkle over grated cheese and put under the grill til top is set. Serve on toast, and prepare to swoon.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Bacon Muffins

This recipe (with some judicious editing - the idea of making muffins with cream of mushroom soup nearly made me barf) Woz Not Bad.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Beef, Beans and Greens

Mmmm...must go and buy some navy beans tomorrow. I have a hankering to make Boston baked beans, and also to make this stew with the chuck steak and kale I now have hanging around.